Is Modern Society’s Food Contributing to Your Chronic Symptoms?

Have you ever paused and asked yourself if the food you are consuming is nourishing your body? My guess is probably not. The fast-paced, go-getter mentality in modern society has shifted our priorities from connecting around a dinner table to convenience and fast-food chains. The change from cooking most of our meals to picking up most of our meals has impacted society's emotional and physical health.

The lack of nutrients individuals consume daily is why it's essential to focus on adding traditionally cooked meals back to your daily menu. Nowadays, there is conflicting information about what to eat and how to eat. At the end of this blog, you will understand why and how to nourish your body.

About 60% of Americans have a chronic disease, and 40% have two or more. Nutrition is one of the risk factors contributing to this profound epidemic we face in modern society. Heart disease, cancer, and diabetes are the top three chronic diseases Americans experience. The lack of education surrounding nutrition and lifestyle changes plays a significant role in the chronic disease epidemic. Western medicine does a fantastic job of advancing medical treatments such as medical devices and medications to attempt to treat chronic diseases. However, researching and educating Americans on how to prevent chronic disease is far-fetched.

If we want to see real change, our priority needs to shift from treating chronic disease to educating on supporting healthy body function to prevent chronic disease.
— Jazmine Corona via Twitter

Before being handed numerous medications or supplements, learning to nourish your body with nutrient-dense foods should be a prerequisite. We all know that we are not learning as much as we should be on nutrition and lifestyle changes during doctor visits. Therefore, following these three easy steps today will help you incorporate nutrient-rich meals into your daily lives.

3 Steps to Eating Nutrient-Dense

  1. Add Color to Your Plate

To increase the nutrient value of your meals, choose a vegetable or fruit from each color of the rainbow. For example, you are eating organic oatmeal for breakfast but want to add more color to your plate; you decide to cut up strawberries (red) and blueberries (blue) since you had those on hand. In a snap of a finger, you have just increased the nutrient content of your meal by adding the colors red and blue to your plate! Focusing on picking one vegetable or fruit from each color will provide your body with many excellent nutrients. A colorful plate signals the presence of diverse phytochemicals and phytonutrients, which are excellent sources of vitamins and minerals. 

2. Balance Macronutrients

Balancing macronutrients does not equal tracking macronutrients. Consuming protein, carbohydrates, and fats with every meal will provide your body with the building blocks needed for energy production, feeling full and satisfied, tissue growth, production of essential hormones, and more. For example, you are eating avocado toast for breakfast but still feel hungry soon after; this is your body signaling you that the macronutrients are not balanced. Try adding an egg to your avocado toast and watch your hunger cues reduce. Focusing on adding high-quality protein, carbohydrates (mostly vegetables), and healthy fats to each meal will create a nutrient-rich meal.

3. Reduce and Remove Non-Nourishing Foods

Reducing and removing non-nutrient foods can sound challenging, but starting with small changes can make a huge difference in your health. If you are consuming fast-food four times a week, reduce it to two times a week, and continue reducing it until it becomes a lifestyle of cooking and consuming nutrient-rich meals instead. Nutrient-rich meals provide the nutrients you need to feel revived and alive. The top foods you should reduce are processed, packaged, or fast food and soda/ sugary drinks. The top foods you should remove are vegetable oils such as canola oil and soybean oil and hidden processed sugars such as high fructose corn syrup. It is crucial to reduce and remove these items from the household because they contain little to no nutrient value. Focus on adding whole foods that come straight from nature. Eating whole foods will increase the nutrients you consume and save you money!

Focusing on these three easy steps can help you build a supportive and robust foundation that can help improve your chronic symptoms. Nutrition and lifestyle changes are necessary to glow from within and live a life full of hope, health, and happiness.


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